Languages and Translation

Language RFS Client RFS Web UI Translators
ENGLISH default.rfs default.rfs (default)
Chinese Simplified cn-simpchinese.rfs - (you can be the first)
Chinese Traditional zh-tradchinese.rfs - (you can be the first)
Dutch nl-dutch.rfs - (you can be the first)
French fr-french.rfs fr-french.rfs (you can be the first)
German de-german.rfs de-german.rfs (you can be the first)
Italian it-italian.rfs it-italian.rfs (you can be the first)
Japanese jp-japanese.rfs - (you can be the first)
Korean ko-korean.rfs - (you can be the first)
Russian ru-russian.rfs - NOKL
Spanish es-spanish.rfs - (you can be the first)
Ukrainian uk-ukrainian.rfs - (you can be the first)

Translate NOKL

We are seeking enthusiastic people who enjoy NOKL and can translate it to their language.

How to do a User Interface Translation

  • Download English UI file default.rfs
  • Copy this file to file xx-language.rfs where "xx" is the 2-letter code of your language/culture and "language" is the full name of your language. (Example: French file will have name "fr-french.rfs").
  • If your language is already translated and you want to improve current translation, then instead of starting with the English file, download the current translation file from the list above.
  • In the RFS translate the phrases that are in English into your language.
  • Do not use a Word or HTML editor. RFS file is a text file and it must remain a text file.
  • Place your new RFS file into Nokl program files folder, C:\Program Files\NOKL LLC\NOKL and restart NOKL
  • Select Program Options and change the language to your new language file that ends with .rfs.
  • Make sure the user interface is translated correctly by viewing (testing) all menus and running all commands.
  • Send us the translated file, and after reviewing it we will include it in the next release.
  • If you are sending a file with incomplete translation, please indicate so.

We appreciate your efforts in aiding a continuing improvement of NOKL.